Jeffrey Tirman
Jeffrey Tirman is Chairman of our Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Tirman has over 30 years of international investment and corporate management experience, specializing in discrete corporate transactions, senior corporate strategy development and management, turnarounds, and restructurings (operational and financial). Since beginning his career, Mr. Tirman has executed and structured several complex international corporate transactions both on behalf of independent shareholders and as primary shareholder. Mr. Tirman has also negotiated, executed and participated in numerous types of transactions, including public listings, spin-offs, administration proceedings, organizing and leading creditor committees, corporate rationalizations, acquisitions and divestitures, and balance sheet refinancing, as well as analysing and executing numerous debt and equity investments and capital structure arbitrage positions. Mr. Tirman founded Abri Advisors Ltd, in Bermuda in 2016 and Abri Advisors (UK) Ltd. in the United Kingdom in 2020 to invest across a variety of asset classes, and to provide corporate advisory services focused on corporate turnarounds and restructuring. Mr. Tirman is also the managing member and a director of Abri Ventures 2, LLC, and chief executive officer of Abri Sponsor Company Ltd, and Abri Advisors, Inc., both private equity holding companies. Mr. Tirman also serves as the managing member and a director of Abri Ventures I, LLC, our sponsor. Since January 2016, Mr. Tirman had been the Chairman and CEO, and still serves as CEO of Elan d.o.o., based in Slovenia, and sits on the boards of several Elan subsidiaries. Since May 2019, Mr. Tirman has been the CEO and Director of Luxembourg-based KJK Sports S.A. and sits on the boards of several holdings thereunder including Tahe Outdoors based in France and Estonia, Baltic Vairus based in Lithuania, and Leader 96 based in Bulgaria. As of June 30, 2021, these companies employed more than 3,000 people and generated revenues in excess of €350 million. Mr. Tirman is charged with leading the operational and financial restructuring of these companies with the aim of increasing operational efficiency, financial performance and transparency, along with the implementation of standardized business practices and transparent corporate governance principles.